Eye Floaters – What are the cobweb-like things floating in your vision?
You are working on your desktop and suddenly you see things floating around your eyes. You try to look closely at these cobwebs like things but they dart away. These floating particles are eye floaters.
These are normally harmless when present in small quantities. The vitreous in your eye is a jelly-like substance. As you age, these particles turn into liquid. Some tiny parts of the vitreous detach and float inside your eyes. These particles are caught in the line of sight sometimes. You feel there is something in front of your eyes and you rub your eyes. But these things are inside your eyes.
Any spectacles online cannot get rid of these floaters. These things are normal in small amounts and usually disappear with time.
Wearing dark glasses will avoid you from seeing these particles. These particles are only visible against a white background. When you are staring at the blue sky or at your white computer screen, you will be able to see them, otherwise, these do not pose any hindrance.
When Eye Floaters Become harmful?
When the amount of these floating substances are too much and they block your vision completely or partially, then it is an alarming situation and you need to go to an eye doctor asap.
These problems arise more when you are aged. With age the muscles around the eyes weaken, the optic nerves weaken, and also the insides of your eyes are also weakening. You will need to take more care of your eyes.
Causes of Eye Floaters
Apart from ageing, eye floaters can form because of inflammation of the eye. Posterior uveitis can cause the formation of inflammation debris inside your eyes. You are then able to see these particles.
Another cause is bleeding inside your eyes. Because of injury or trauma, your eyes might start bleeding from inside and the blood cells inside will appear as floaters.
Tearing of the retina can also give you eye floaters. When the retina is completely detached it can lead to permanent vision loss.
If you have gone through any eye surgery or medications, it can also lead to having eye floaters temporarily. Some eye surgery leaves behind air bubbles inside your eyes. You will be able to see them for some time until they blend with the vitreous.
You can neglect the occasional formation of floaters. However, if you notice that you are getting eye floaters often and it is also blocking your vision, then you should consult your doctor. If you are getting light flashes or your peripheral vision is completely lost you should head to the opthalmologist for a treatment.
How to Treat Eye Floaters
Eye floaters don’t usually require treatment. You can ignore them or wear dark glasses to avoid seeing the squiggly little floating things.
However, when there is a lot of it, hindering your vision, you can go through surgery. In this surgery called a vitrectomy, the vitreous of your eye is removed and replaced with a salt solution.
What puts you at more risk
- When you are already over 50, then you shouldn’t take the occurrence of eye floaters lightly. If you find your vision in one of your eyes dark, then you should go to the doctor as soon as possible.
- Nearsightedness also puts you at a risk. Your eyeballs are elongated and the line of vision is longer. Floaters have more space to block your vision.
- You have gone through some eye trauma or injury. You are more likely to get blood cells in your eyes that will block your vision. Also, trauma to your eyes can lead to the weakening of the vitreous.
- Complications from any eye surgery or cataract-removal surgery make you more prone to eye floaters.
- Inflammation of your eyes because of allergic reaction or eye condition.
- If you are diabetic, then you are also more prone to eye floaters and risks associated with eye floaters.
If you find these eye floaters annoying and see them often, you can choose to ignore them by wearing blue light filter glasses. These glasses minimize the oncoming blue light emission and also the high-resolution screen. You will have fewer chances of seeing these with these glasses.